Premergo Solutions

Ergonomic Assessments

Introduction to Ergonomics

Ergonomics is the science that studies the interaction between humans and their work environment to optimize well-being, performance, and system efficiency. It’s about designing tasks to suit the worker, not vice versa. 

By improving workplace design, ergonomics reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and accidents, while boosting productivity.

Key Benefits of Ergonomics

Human Factors in Ergonomics

Assessment Areas in Ergonomics



Environmental Factors

Assessment Areas in Ergonomics

Physical Ergonomics

Focuses on human anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics to ensure workplace designs suit the physical capabilities of workers.

Cognitive Ergonomics

Deals with mental processes like memory and decision-making, ensuring that work systems are mentally manageable.

Organizational Ergonomics

Optimizes organizational structures and processes, including teamwork, communication, and work design, to support worker efficiency.

Approaches to Ergonomic Design

Biomechanical Approach

Uses principles of physics to determine physical stresses on the body and design tasks accordingly.

Epidemiological Approach

Studies population data to identify and mitigate risks of injury, using past data to improve future designs.


A detailed ergonomic evaluation of selected operations is essential to ensure the safety, comfort, and productivity of operators. The key objectives of this evaluation are:

1. Assessment of Ergonomic Risk Factors

2. Workstation, Material & Office Ergonomics Analysis

3. Postural Stress Evaluation

4. Manual Materials Handling Risk Assessment

5. Remedial Measures and Ergonomic Recommendations

6. Photography

Tools Used for Evaluation

RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment)

Evaluate upper body posture and load demands to assess risk for musculoskeletal disorders.

REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment)

A simple tool to assess whole-body MSD risks using ergonomic data.

Lifting Index (NIOSH Lifting Equation)

Assesses the risk of injury during manual lifting tasks and determines safe lifting practices.