Ergonomic Solutions
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Industrial Ergonomics


Shop floor assessment by ergonomic consultant

This is done by an industrial visit to the shop floor and ergonomic evaluation of the workstation.


  • Walk through of the shop floor
  • Interaction with employees
  • Impact on the musculoskeletal health of the workers
  • Discussion with the factory medical officers
  • Measurements of heights and distances of the machines and equipment
  • Measurements of heights and distances of the machines and equipment
  • Physiological, anthropometric measurements of workers
  • Evaluation of computer workstations and seating
  • Evaluation of ergonomic hazards and risk factors
  • Evaluation of workspace layout
  • Cognitive ergonomics
  • Organisational ergonomics
  • Medical examination for musculoskeletal problems


  • Training and awareness creation
  • Modifications to the workstations and mechanisation
  • Re-Design of equipment after studying ergonomic hazards
  • Ergonomic audit to check validation of ergonomic tools


This is a yearly contract for regular visits by the following:

  • Visit by medical and ergonomic consultant
  • Visit by consultant Physiotherapist for on-site training
  • Medical Treatment
  • Physiotherapy treatment
  • Yoga, diet or eye care advice, depending on clients needs.