Shop floor assessment by ergonomic consultant
This is done by an industrial visit to the shop floor and ergonomic evaluation of the workstation.
There are two categories.
- Office Ergonomics
- Industrial Ergonomics
- Walk through of the shop floor
- Interaction with employees
- Impact on the musculoskeletal health of the workers
- Discussion with the factory medical officers
- Measurements of heights and distances of the machines and equipment
- Measurements of heights and distances of the machines and equipment
- Physiological, anthropometric measurements of workers
- Evaluation of computer workstations and seating
- Evaluation of ergonomic hazards and risk factors
- Evaluation of workspace layout
- Cognitive ergonomics
- Organisational ergonomics
- Medical examination for musculoskeletal problems
- Training and awareness creation
- Modifications to the workstations and mechanisation
- Re-Design of equipment after studying ergonomic hazards
- Ergonomic audit to check validation of ergonomic tools
Awareness Lecture: Demonstration on health at work for computer professionals and industrial workers.
Location: At work site.
Duration: 2 Hours
Topics covered: [By Ergonomist]
- Musculoskeletal disorders - Early warning signs, risk factors
- Prevention and treatment strategies: Workstation modification, ergonomic accessories
- Explanation of Do’s and don’ts for the workers.
- Postural advice
- Exercises to prevent MSD [by physiotherapist]
- Demonstration of computer break exercises for office ergonomics
- Back and neck care for industrial workers
Work from Home Package
This is the same as the “TAKE CARE” PACKAGE given above, but training is given virtually.
Duration: 5 Hours
In Addition to TAKE CARE Package this includes
Eye Care
- Awareness lecture on computer vision syndrome
- Simple eye exercises
- Monitor adjustment
- Balanced diet
- Food to eat and avoid.
- Design of diet in the office and home
Yoga For Stress Relief
- Breathing techniques like Pranayama, Bhastrika and Kapala bhati
- Suryanamaskara, and some simple asanas
This is a yearly contract for regular visits by the following:
- Visit by medical and ergonomic consultant
- Visit by consultant Physiotherapist for on-site training
- Medical Treatment
- Physiotherapy treatment
- Yoga, diet or eye care advice, depending on clients needs.